Interactive Vehicle Automation Lab
FOR Intelligent Vehicles & Dynamical Systems
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James Watt School of Engineering,
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, G12 8QQ, United Kingdom
Hi, I'm Chongfeng
Chongfeng Wei is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at University of Glasgow. Chongfeng received his PhD from University of Birmingham, after which he extended his research interests from Vehicle Dynamics to Intelligent Vehicles and Dynamic Modelling of Mechanical Systems. Chongfeng's current research interest is mainly in Decision Making and Control of Intelligent Vehicles, Human-centric Autonomous Driving, Cooperative Mobile Robots and Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems. Chongfeng also serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE TITS, IEEE TVT, IEEE TIV, IEEE OJ-ITS, Frontiers on AI and Robotics.
Research Interests
Human-like Planning and Control of Intelligent Vehicles
Cooperative Decision Making of Moible Robots
Interactive Autonomous Vehicle Decision-making and Planning
Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems
Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics
Potential Opportunity
I am constantly looking for passionate PhD students to join me. Please contact me if you are interested in applying for a PhD candidate in my research lab. Visiting scholars in related research areas are also welcome to contact. University of Glasgow has 20 candidates for CSC-based students, so if you are interested in phd application through CSC and have relevant background and excellent research experience, please contact me.